Mirra Marketing


The Best Digital
Marketing Agency

Mirra is a digital marketing agency accountable for results.

Email Marketing

There is an opinion that email marketing is spamming, but this is by no means the case. Letters are sent to clients without violating the law and with their prior consent.

In addition, not everything is limited to sending emails. The right email marketing strategy will help you get long-term interaction with customers, learn about their values, interests, expectations, and share the right information with potential buyers.

Advantages of email marketing for business:

  • Direct contact with the client, the ability to build a dialogue “business-customer” for many years.
  • Good results for a small investment.
  • Easy to use email newsletters.
  • Receiving important targeted actions from subscribers (comments, requests, contact details, downloaded free materials, etc.).
  • Prospect, namely the growing number of email-users around the world.

How does email marketing work?

In email marketing, you offer something useful to the customer by asking them to leave their contact (their email). After that, you start a dialogue with the subscriber. For example, provide up-to-date information that he may be interested in. Further, you can offer something else. The feedback received will help you understand the additional interests and needs of your potential client and work on further communication tactics. Of course, this scheme is adjustable if needed.